BC faculty, staff, and students can access their documents, email, calendar, 更多的是通过谷歌工作空间——谷歌的一套基于网络的沟通和协作工具. This includes Google Drive.

BC faculty, staff, and students can also use Microsoft 365, which includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook.

Google Workspace Storage Quotas

Google Workspace - General Information

Google Workspace and Accessibility

Boston College is committed to ensuring all members of the community, including individuals with disabilities, are able to engage with University technological resources. Guided by that principle, 学生电子邮件委员会认为,谷歌教育工作空间将为所有学生提供更好的电子邮件体验.

谷歌已经展示了其确保视障人士也能使用谷歌教育工作空间的承诺, and is developing and improving its products accordingly. 电子游戏软件通用学习设计(UDL)咨询委员会和工作组一直在与谷歌合作,以确保这一承诺继续下去.  

What You Need to Know

When using BC Google Workspace for Education, we ask you to be mindful of the following:

  • Use of Gmail and Google Workspace for Education is not required.
  • 学生可以使用Gmail网页界面或Outlook或Apple Mail等客户端访问BC电子邮件帐户, which may offer greater interoperability with assistive technology.

Suggested Guidelines for the Visually Impaired

Google Workspace offers a number of accessibility features, including keyboard shortcuts and screen reader support. Google products, including accessibility-related features, are updated and enhanced regularly. 有关使用屏幕阅读器和键盘快捷键与谷歌工作空间为Edu的最新信息, consult Google's resources. Please note: Configuring a third-party application for Gmail (e.g., Outlook or Apple Mail) and Calendar (e.g., Outlook or iCal) may provide the best experience for visually impaired users.

For More Support

  • Disability Services Office: 617-552-3470
  • BC Technology Help Center: 617-552-HELP (4357)

BC Google Workspace End User Agreement

BC Google Workspace is provided by the University to students, faculty and staff, and University policies apply to these services. 当您在Agora Portal中创建密码或辅助密码时,系统将提示您确认这些策略:

As a BC student, faculty, or staff member using Google Workspace for Education, I understand and agree to the following:

  • 我使用电子游戏软件通过谷歌提供的电子邮件和其他应用程序受电子游戏软件相关政策的约束, including the Technological and Information Resources Use Agreement and the Data Security Policy. I understand that Google has delegated administrative access to the account to Boston College.
  • Google’s applicable policies also apply to my use of these applications. I agree to the terms of service for Google Workspace for Education, as stated in the Google Workspace Acceptable Use Policy. I understand that if I violate these terms, Boston College or Google may suspend or terminate my account, whether or not I am in good standing with Boston College.
  • I understand that the above Google Workspace for Education terms of service, and the negotiated terms of BC’s agreement with Google, 不适用于我可以通过谷歌独立于电子游戏软件维护的任何其他帐户. These generally available services, as well as any non-Google Workspace apps that I may access through Google, may be governed by additional terms of service. My behavior using these independent services, however, may be governed by Boston College policy.
  • 我承认电子游戏软件不备份存储在Google Workspace for Education或任何独立应用程序上的数据, 并且电子游戏软件无法恢复或恢复从这些申请中删除的任何数据或文件.
  • I may not and will not send or store certain confidential or restricted information, as defined in the Boston College Data Security Policy via Google Workspace (including Gmail), namely, any data controlled under export control laws, personal health information protected under HIPAA, and any “personal information” defined by Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 93H to mean a person’s name associated with: a social security number; driver’s license number or similar state identification number; or a financial account number, credit card, or debit card number.

The Google Terms of Service may change without notification. Users should check this document periodically to ensure they remain in compliance.

Google Workspace Age-Based Restrictions

Starting 9/1/2021, 18岁以下的用户在登录BC Google Workspace for Education帐户时,可以获得一些谷歌服务的年龄限制体验. 

Google services with age restrictions include: YouTube, Google Search, Google Play, Google Maps, and Google Photos. 

Additionally, some Google services aren't available to users under the age of 18.

Security & Privacy

Turn on Google 2-Step Verification

ITS recommends you turn on 2-Step Verification for your BC Google accounts. As part of setup, 一定要按照提示获取备份代码,这样你就不会被锁定在你的帐户之外.


Google Shared Drives

Google Shared Drives are shared online storage spaces where teams can easily store, search, and access their files anywhere, from any device. 共享驱动器对于项目、委员会、部门或其他与团队相关的目的来说是一个很好的工具.

Unlike files in My Drive, files in Shared Drive belong to the team instead of an individual. Even if members leave BC, 文件保持在原来的位置,这样你的团队就可以继续共享信息并完成工作.

If you’ve ever used Google Drive before, you’ll find working with Shared Drives is very similar.


  • 管理:共享驱动器必须首先确定一个共享驱动器“组织者”,谁将被赋予“完全访问”.” This will allow that person to add new members or groups, and correctly manage files and folders (creating, deleting).
  • Ownership: Shared Drives are owned by the domain (Boston College) rather than individuals.
  • 访问:存储在共享驱动器中的文件夹和文档可以由该共享驱动器的所有成员访问. Non-team members can be added to individuals files (not folders, at this time).
  • Security: Shared Drives follow the same security guidelines as your BC Google Drive account, and should not be used to store certain confidential data. Consult the Regulated Data Chart to learn what data can be stored in Google Drive.

Google Workspace FAQ


Microsoft 365 & Add-Ons

Microsoft 365 Education

微软365教育是一个服务集合,允许您在线协作和分享您的工作. The service includes Microsoft Online (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and OneNote) and 250 GB of OneDrive cloud storage.

Microsoft 365 Education is not a required tool at Boston College, but all eligible Boston College faculty, staff, and students can use these services for free on Mac or Windows computers and/or mobile devices.

Microsoft rebranded Office 365 to Microsoft 365.



think-cell是微软365的一个插件,它与PowerPoint无缝集成,可以帮助你在几分钟内可视化复杂的图表. Create 40+ chart types including waterfall, Gantt, and Marimekko in just 2-3 minutes each. Free licenses of think-cell are available for Boston College students, researchers, and staff for educational or non-commercial purposes only.

To download & install think-cell (Mac & Windows):

  1. Use your BC email address to download think-cell software.
  2. Get the think-cell license key. You will be prompted for your license key with the next start of Microsoft PowerPoint. Note: This is the license key for all of Boston College; do not share it with anyone.

Box for Inter-Institutional File Sharing